Relocation to the new practice premises of the medical center at Schloßstr. 88 in 12163 Berlin.
April 2021
Takeover of the GP practice of Dr. Eckhard Pirk, Klingsorstr.7, 12167 Berlin
April 2016
Takeover of the GP practice of Dr. Aloysius Lukas at Schloßstraße 119 in 12163 Berlin, from October 2017 as a joint practice “Infectiological Center Steglitz (IZS)” with Dr. Gordon Weinberg
2013 - 2016
Employed specialist in the infectiology practice MVZ City Ost in Berlin-Friedrichshain
2011 - 2013
Honorary doctor in various hospitals throughout Germany (respiratory medicine, pneumology, psychosomatic rehabilitation)
2010 - 2011
Assistant doctor in the specialist practice for infectious and liver diseases of Dres. Hintsche and Klausen, Berlin
2009 - 2010
Assistant doctor in the general practitioner-internist practice C. Steffens, Berlin
Assistant doctor in the pediatric practice of Dr. M. Plieth, Berlin
2007 - 2009
Resident in the Clinic for Internal Medicine with Center for Respiratory and Sleep Medicine, Malteser Hospital St. Hildegardis Cologne, Prof. Dr. M. von Eiff
2005 - 2007
Assistant physician in geriatric psychiatry and psychotherapy at the Rheinische Kliniken Bonn, Prof. Dr. Dr. R. D. Hirsch
2003 - 2005
Resident in the Surgical Clinic of the Holweide Hospital, Cologne Municipal Clinics, Prof. Dr. H.F. Kienzle
Professional qualification
1996 - 2003
Studied human medicine in Hanover and Würzburg
2003 - 2005
Partial/full license to practice medicine
Doctorate (University of Würzburg)
Specialist in general medicine (Berlin Medical Association)
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